Benin 2023
World Figures | ||
Population | 14 million | 8.0 billion |
Surface | 112,620 sq. km. | 133 million sq. km. |
Density | 121 inhabitants / sq. km. | 60 inhabitants / sq. km. |
Wealth | 1 | 4,623 |
GDP | $20 billion | $105 trillion |
Power Purchase Parity | $4,250 | $29,602 |
Budget | $1.9 billion | $17 trillion |
Strength | 0 | 5,087 |
Defense Budget | $140 million | $2.5 trillion |
Exports | $4.2 billion | $29 trillion |
Imports | $5.9 billion | $29 trillion |
Wealth - corrected economy size
Strength - corrected military spending
Strength - corrected military spending
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
PPP - Purchase Power Party/Standard of Living
PPP - Purchase Power Party/Standard of Living
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