
Initial Operational Capability (IOC) : 2013
Total Production : ?

Model Status Year Produced
H025 Active 2018 ?


Group : Radar Systems
Status : Active
Also Known As : N025E, NO25E
Origin : Russia
Initial Operational Capability (IOC) : 2018
Total Production : ?

The H025, also referred as to NO25E in Russian Cyrillic, is a radar station designed for integration onto Mi-28N and Mi-28NM attack helicopters providing circular, 360-degree coverage, of targets. The mast-mounted radar provides critical situational awareness singling out armored vehicles and airborne threats. The N025 radar also can assume the guidance of the missiles which are equipped with a radio command system. The basic Mi-28N helicopter has a green nose which is in charge of the guidance function. The MI-28NM equipped with the N025 radar can assume that function and therefore the green nose is not provided with the helicopter nose being shorter than in the Mi-28N.

Country Status State Notes
RussiaActive ?


Tuesday, 25 July, 2017
Russian Aerospace Forces to Get 15 Mi-38-2 Helicopters by 2020

Russia's Aerospace Forces will receive more than 100 state-of-the-art planes and helicopters in 2018, according to Aerospace Forces Commander Col.

Friday, 26 August, 2016
Russian Air Force Mi-28NM Helicopter to Feature Increased Battlefield Survivability

The latest, upgraded, version of Russia’s Mi-28H “Night Hunter” helicopter gunship will be virtually invulnerable to enemy fire, Zvezda TV reported.

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* Prime Contractor
State Latest Known holdings/Original Procurement
Com - Date of Commissioning
Decom - Date of Decommissioning

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