Braunschweig Corvette Handed Over to German Navy
Released on Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The BRAUNSCHWEIG, the first of a series of five K130 corvettes for the German Navy, has been handed over on Tuesday, January 29, to the German Office for Defence Technology and Procurement (BWB) at the naval base Warnemuende.

In a small ceremony on board the corvette the acceptance certificate was signed in the presence of representatives of the German Office for Defence Technology and Procurement and the German Navy by Dr. Reinhard Mehl, Managing Director of Blohm + Voss, Friedrich-Wilhelm von Krosigk, Head of ARGE K130, and Katja Zentner, Object Manager K130 at Blohm + Voss, on behalf of the contractor and Construction Director Dietrich Grundmann, Head of the Acceptance Commission, on behalf of the client.

ARGE K130 is composed of the shipyards Blohm + Voss (lead yard), Nordseewerke, both part of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, and Fr. Lürssen Werft. Main tasks of the new corvette class are surface surveillance and surface target engagement. A high degree of manoeuvrability and combat power as well as a significant higher sea endurance enable the corvettes to operate even in distant areas. Home port of the new class of corvettes will be Warnemuende.

The K130 project is of high importance to both the German naval shipbuilding industry and the supporting industry so as to strengthen their core business in key technologies. The platform and ship systems as well as the combat direction system of the K130 feature various innovative solutions. In addition to this, the radar and infrared signatures of the K130 possess stealth characteristics. As regards the design and construction of the K130 corvettes, importance was attached to make use of the effects of series production to an extent as large as possible. Thus, the three ARGE shipyards design and construct the same sections of each of the five units. Final outfitting of each corvette is done by the shipyard delivering the unit. Blohm + Voss deliver the first and fourth corvette, whereas Fr. Lürssen Werft will deliver the second and fifth corvette and Nordseewerke the third one.


Source: Corvette BRAUNSCHWEIG handed over

BWB - Bundesamt für Wehrtechnik und Beschaffung
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