Diehl Defence Delivers MK-83 Trojan Imroved Penetrator Warheads to German Armed Forces
Released on Wednesday, September 15, 2021


On July 29, 2021, Diehl Defence received an order from the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) to deliver Mk-83 Trojan Improved Penetrator (TIP) warheads.

The Mk-83 TIP are procured as alternative warheads for the precision ammunition GBU-48 integrated into the Eurofighter fighter aircraft and already introduced into the air force. It consists of the Mk-83 effector, equipped with an Enhanced Paveway II guidance kit for precise control by means of semiactive laser. In contrast to the original Mk-83 warhead, the TIP version stands out due to its significantly lower demolition effect whilst considerably increasing the penetration capacity. The all-weather and standoff capable air-to-surface effector GBU-48 TIP is not only optimized for the engagement of hardened point and area targets but also for operations in urban areas for close air support of own troops. During operations of this kind, the risk of collateral damage for the air force is reduced thanks to the combination of precision and low explosive power.

TIP was developed by Diehl in cooperation with the technical and mathematical research society (technisch-mathematische Studiengesellschaft) located in Bonn. In addition, the multi-option fuze FBM 21 by Junghans Defence is used.

The effectiveness of GBU-48 TIP could be proven, among others, during the operational suitability test on the test range in Vidsel. The delivery of first serial units is envisaged to start in 2023. Aside from the delivery of the warheads, necessary training tools, performance of explosion tests and the support of approval procedures are part of the scope of services.



BAAINBw - Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support
TIP - Trojan Improved Penetrator
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